Category Archives: Guest Post


Exactly one year ago yesterday my brother left this world on his own accord and by his own hand, committing suicide and wrought a tear in my soul and all who know him. He is missed every day. It still hurts and the scar is still fresh. Every day I think why someone would do something so extreme. I won’t ever be a complete person again because there is a piece of me that died with him on that day. I also lost a chance with a person who literally saved my life. She is a great friend and I’m forever in her debt. I may never move from that position of how I feel about her and perhaps it was wrong to let her go but she is happy and that is what I want for her. I just hope that the person she has chosen never ever hurts her because I never will because it would be wrong. Maybe some day in the future. Brother I wonder where your soul wanders and I’m looking for some sign you are okay. The next thing will be hard to read so I warn you read at your own risk.
Lord, I ask why you did this thing and sewed this strife
it’s never truly understood why someone would end their own life
And reap so much pain wrenching a spirit so pure to twist and strain to produce a written lyric worthy of only Mark Twain’s almighty pen stronger than his sword I implore you then take every inch and give it two times back cause thing we call life has been thrown off its track when will I finally rise off this destructive path and forgive a fathers and mothers bickering this whole situation is grave whack its slithering like anacondas asps and Cobras through my minds unconscious cracks
Trying to move on but every day some little things pull me back just take it slow day by day like a pawn up and down this journey called life’s highway do that learning fill my knowledge trough to lay a foundation for my future that even atomic bombs can’t knock off
and I wonder how she’s doing every day it’s nice to see her life going the right way gives me hope that one day mine will follow but not the same way which is hard to swallow
Why would one abandon this life in exchange for something not known why leave a family tattered and torn like Midwest plains after a tornado and heavy shower rains
Why abandon the chance at a Nobel prize going to college on a research scholarship grant why leave a woman who was willing to be your sister first and then more even a sister I would call the same its always great to add to a family tree And lady I’m always there if u need me but you gotta quit your bad habits they’re gonna end your life you could be and do so much more just end your own inner strife take care of those kittens knit more makeup mittens to show your skill
Get in school like I know you will
Still need to meet your brother lost one I did and you as well one to replace I need to find
I’m sure you will find your best in due time
And to all my sisters we need to find and spend good family rhyme time
To my brother I hope you found good peace wherever whenever it may be I haven’t found that I keep going back to that day one year ago that forever changed the direction of my life but it’s for the positive not the minus
if I find the secret to what lies inside the black diamond I’ve yet to find
its out there somewhere that why I grind
And to all humanity I say
go above and beyond every single day
Stop this fighting we call war it only brings another dead soldier home earlier than before
from a conflict that stems from a corrupt politicians central core
How many times must we say no more
How many children must before enough is enough it doesn’t justify more like Edwin Starr said what is it good for
rock the watchtower bad voodoo Hendrix
Never lose vigilance over what’s truly depended
On every brother mother father daughter sister cousin uncle aunt son everyone
We all should love our fellow man
enough to leave him alone if that’s where he truly needs to stand
But I bid you ado from a son who lost a brother while transforming into a humble man while still a lot of growing to do
This is why I write this down for you to see not because I want grandeur or praise it’s because I want the human race to see the error of its ways before we doom ourselves to future nonexistent while we still have power to deal with it
Oh and K it’s all you have a great life I know I’ll be better it’s true when emblazoned with that cross that you drew thank you you’re always the glue it’s sad maybe yes but it’s also the truth
So I tell myself rise like the Phoenix from the ashes and start my life anew before Im ended and just held together with tattered sticks and dried up Elmer’s glue
My life returns I bid you ado.
If ever you know someone who you think is willing to end their own life please for all that your being is be bold enough to intervene because I can’t change what happened but every I live my life thinking how can I make someone’s day better? That’s my journey.

Scott Mckellar Cox II, you broke my heart.

Scott Mckellar Cox II was my 19 year old big brother. He was generally the happiest, kindest, and loving person I know. He was my best friend, my mentor, my fellow nerd, and he was my brother. He suffered severely from anxiety and depression, and he attempted suicide in 2012, but failed. He promised me he would never do it again, because he knew how much pressure and sadness it put in me. But when I asked Mckellar to get in the pool with me on vacation and he told me he would after he got something in the car, I wish with all of my heart I could’ve stopped him. But I didn’t. And while I was floating in that damned pool a gunshot rang from that truck, and there he was. You broke every atom in my heart, Mckellar, but your suffering is over now. I’m not a religious person. I don’t know if there is a heaven, if there’s a god, or if we’re all some accident that just so happened to be, and when you die it’s lights out. But I do know that I loved my brother more than anything in the world. If you’re reading this and you share my pain, just know that we’re not alone. I miss you brother. Rest easy.

I miss my brother!

I just came across this site and am hoping to find some kind of comfort and understanding as to why my younger brother took his own life.
He was having marital problems and uncovered significant betrayal by his wife. He has two beautiful boys that are like my own. My brother and I are very close. My husband and I found him and I started to perform CPR/mouth to mouth resuscitation before the paramedics got there. He had taken his own life by carbon monoxide poisoning. If I had just got there 30 minutes sooner I might have saved him. This just happened 7 weeks ago on June 4, 2017. I am seeing doctors and counselors to help with the grief. I can’t seem to get his face out of my mind while I was performing CPR. I was staring right into his eyes begging Jesus to help me.

I never knew his depth of pain. I never thought it would come to this. I feel lost without him. I know that he is in a better place based on my blessed hope that we will be reunited with our Savior. I have always had what I thought was strong faith but I now realize that even that is given by God. I’m just trying to find my “new” normal that doesn’t include my little brother. He has left a huge whole in my heart and I know its not his fault.

I just keep cycling through denial, anger, depression and all of the could of, should of, would of’s. I have never experienced a pain like this before. It literally physically hurts. I am on several anti depressants prescribed by my physician so they have helped some BUT they don’t take away the pain and loss. I keep trying to make sense of it all??? How do you move forward and ever get over something like this? He was my ONLY sibling!

I also go through periods of guilt for not recognizing the signs. I knew he was having a tough time but we were there for him through it all!! I’m just trying to rely on my faith and hopefully someday find a place of peace that is not so painful. I don’t think the pain will ever completely go away! I’m asking God to help me learn to move forward but it has been baby steps! I wake up every morning thinking it was all a bad dream only to face another painful day! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!! I BEG JESUS to please let JUSTIN know how much I love him and miss him!!

Feeling helpless

My brother took his life 6 years ago. He was a lost, lonely soul who suffered depression since he was a small child. I often think of him although I’m not sad for him. I’m happy he finally built up the courage to do it. Then I feel awful for thinking that, but there was no other option for him. I know he is at peace now but the feeling that I couldn’t help him stays with me. How do u move on? I always think about how lonely he was. I mean – he didn’t have one friend. How sad and lonely must that have been. I always think about the last night – how he must have felt. He jumped off a bridge at 5 am. How do I move on??

Mal little brother

Mal little brother,

It’s been exactly 3 weeks today that my brother committed suicide by shooting himself. I keep asking what could have been so bad. I love him and miss him. He beat cancer, but at the end I feel the effects of the bone marrow and all the pills he was taking was just to much. So I guess cancer still won.


11 yrs ago my sister decided that she didn’t want to live anymore. I had no idea she was struggling. every year I hope I can get through her birthday and death day without a breakdown, and every year I breakdown. There are so many things I’m still so mad about from when it happened and so many things that have happened after that I’m mad she can’t be a part of…..STILL 11 yrs later and its the hardest times of the year. What was once a celebratory time of year is now my personal hell cause no one shares the grief that I have over the loss of my sister…. I won’t ever have that relationship again, I know it will be a part of me that will be a hole wanting to be filled for the rest of my lif

How do i go on..?

I lost my sister to a suicide on overdosing pills about a month ago and it feels like its only been days. She was 17 and i’m dealing with this only just turning sixteen two months prior and i don’t know how to act right now. My parents are broken and i don’t know how to describe what i’m feeling aside from pain and grief. If anyone has dealt with something similar please advise me on what to do now, as i have no idea. I have summer work for my AP classes next year and friends over constantly but no matter how much i busy myself i cant get rid of the pain and i don’t know what to do. Please help me if you know how.

The World Has Moved On

It’s going to be 3 years on July 8th and I still haven’t gone to his grave. It took about a year after he died to get the gravestone put up because of financial issues. My mom had stage 3 cancer and we had her bills and then a surprise death. Apart of me wants to go visit him and lay on his grave and talk to him about what has happened in my life since 2014, but then the other side of me doesn’t want me to see his name in big bold letters. My brother was not just a grave stone. He was the most caring and loving person. Does anyone have advice?
I need it.
I’m 17.

Missing you

Mike, I wish you were here right now. Your birthday just passed and the anniversary of your death is approaching quickly. Just before Dad’s first father’s day without you, he received a text from a man claiming to be his son. We found a picture of him on Facebook from when he was probably close to my age and I broke down in tears. He’s our brother. I have been texting with him and we had a phone call. I want to talk to you about this so much. I think it would have brought us closer. He said he feels a sense of loss for the brother he never met and wants to know about you. I feel like I finally have someone who I can tell you about without them getting weird. You both share the same middle name! Mom is having a really hard time and missing you now more than ever. Dad is happy but stressed. We’re all missing and needing you Bubba. I think you guys would get along, you have a lot in common. Oh and guess what! You’re an uncle and I’m an aunt! He has three kids! Alright, this letter is all over the place. I just wanted to say I love you and wish you were here to share this with so so badly. Love, Airhead