To My Dear Little Brother

Monday I got the call they had found you by a lake. I was and am lost.  One week before we had talked about things we looked forward to,  and the childhood hardships but how we always had each other. You called me your protector as a child. I wish you had let me do that now. I love you so much and am so proud of the kind, caring and religious man you became. We both found our healing in charity and have always been the best of friends. You and I talked about an upcoming visits and your plans to get married. You will always be my dear baby brother the child I helped raise like a son and the man I am so proud of.
My dear baby brother how could you leave now? After all we have been through in our lifetime. I would have done anything to help and comfort you. I am lucky I got to tell you how much I loved you BUT I want you back. I am not ready to let you go. I can’t express the pain I feel losing you and don’t understand why.

2 thoughts on “To My Dear Little Brother

  1. You won’t understand why.
    None of us here will.
    Remember the good times and thank God for the time you had together.
    I am sorry for your loss.
    Stay positive as much as you can.

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