
Subject: Corey

I found my brother after he killed himself in October 2013, The pain everyday is horrible! I ask my self daily ” What could I have done different for him” ??? I still can not answer that question…. I miss him so much, his crazy smile, silly jokes, his wild and crazy curly hair!


2 thoughts on “Corey

  1. I also lost my brother to suicide in October 2013. I ask myself the same questions and feel such deep sorrow and guilt. I’ve been seeing a therapist for 2 years now and it helps a little but I feel that nobody can truly understand.

  2. I miss my brother too. He definitely had distinctive mannerisms and I’m sad I’m never going to see him and his quirkiness again. I wish I could just talk to him. I dont think it would have changed the outcome for him… but for me at least emotionally… give me some closure. You have my sincere condolences on your brother.

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