Suggestions for a friend who lost 3rd brother today to suicide

I lost my brother April 1, 2016 to suicide. I write this not for the pain that I, and I am sure each of you, feel daily but for a friend of mine going through a much harder time then me. Back in 2008 she lost a brother to suicide, then in Oct. 2018 another one, and then she found out today that another brother took his life. They were a family with 5 it is just 2. I know somewhat of the pain she feels since I lost my brother, but I don’t know how to help her. Would love any thoughts or suggestions y’all have. Just to let you know we don’t live in the same state. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “Suggestions for a friend who lost 3rd brother today to suicide

  1. Well it’s difficult for anyone to lose a family member, as you know, but 3 is obviously much worse to deal with. I lost my brother last year so I’ve been dealing with his loss only lately. I wish i knew how to help her. As you know there are very little that words can do. She just needs people to be around so she can talk or just so she knows she’s not alone. A good support system is vital. Wish more could be done.

  2. I agree with Donal. A good loss survivor support group is priceless. Friends who haven’t lost someone to suicide just don’t cut it 99.9% of the time…you don’t want to hear, “I remember what I felt like when my grandfather died…..I know what you’re going through…..” Had one group member at one I attended lost 2 siblings to suicide. Heavy load to carry and probably has a survivor saying…”Is this bound to happen to me too?” When I lost my brother to suicide 3+ years ago it truly shook up my world and the damage remains, but I’ve grown used to this new sad normal. Blessings on you and your friend in this hard path.

  3. Be a friend to her and watch over her. Check in with her so she knows she isnt alone and that she can contact you at anytime of the day/night. Maybe suggest a support group if she feels up to it. Tell her it is ok to seek out someone who is professionally trained to handle us survivors of suicide.

    As a survivor of suicide, our own suicide rates skyrocket. Think of those statistics x3. You know how to talk to her. You know what she is going through. You will be able to help her more than you will ever know! 🙂

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