It still feels like a lie

My sister took her own life yesterday…I don’t know what to do or say or think or feel. We used to be so close but recently she became distant. I can’t help but wonder if I had messaged her or called her…maybe she would still be here.
I know she felt so alone but she always had a family that loved her. What more could we have done?
This is so surreal. I haven’t even cried yet. Am I suppose to cry?
She was only 20 years old.

3 thoughts on “It still feels like a lie

  1. We lost my sister at 13 years old. May 6 will be 11 years. I promise it gets easier. You will never stop missing them but you learn to live with it. You will go through stages of anger, acceptance and just plain missing them. But life does go on and live your life in a way that would make your sister proud. It will be one of the hardest things you have ever done but you can do it. I was 15 when I lost my little sister, I am 26 now. Time goes on, life goes on without them. But they never leave your heart or your spirit.

  2. I’m so sorry for your loss, everyone grieves in their own way there’s no right or wrong way it should be. In public I was strong and composed because that’s how guys are supposed to be but when I’m home and think about my brother sometimes I smile if its something he taught me or something we did together and then sometimes I cry when I think what a great guy he was and how much I miss him and what he must have been going through when it happened. The missing never goes away, the hurting lessens and life does go on. Talk to someone, your parents, your best friend, let them know how you’re feeling. And remember its ok to be mad, that’s part of grieving too but don’t let it be your only part. I will pray for your sister, you and your family that you may find comfort in this terrible time.

  3. 07/23/2023 got a call that changed my life. My mom told me that my older brother hung himself, i instantly broke down and was in tears and disbelief…… Im honestly still in disbelief, theres days I have walked to his room going to talk to him, but when I get to his door reality hits me and it sucks…. I miss him so much….. Im so angry with him because Im going to have my first child sometime towards the end of october and he isnt here to meet his first niece or nephew. It breaks my heart..

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