My Dearest Cory

We just passed a year, a whole year since we last spoke, last hugged, last laughed. It still doesn’t seem real, most days, that I will never be able to do those things with you again. That I can no longer pick up the phone and call you to tell you about a new horror movie coming out. That I can no longer go to the Target around the corner and see your smiling face behind the counter. I miss you so much it hurts. I have never known a pain like this. Some days it’s hard to breathe, knowing that you’re gone. But everyday I am thankful that I was blessed with having you as my little brother for 21 years. We didn’t always get along. There were days when you hurt me, when I was unhappy with your decisions, when I was just down right mad at you. But I always loved you. And I always will. It breaks my heart that I couldn’t help you. That I couldn’t save you. But I will live my life for you. And with you in my heart. Always.

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