I need to know my options

Hi, my name is tori and I’m 16 years old. It will be a year since my brother hung himself on June 29 and the hardest thing To deal with for me is school. I can’t focus and simply think it’s stupid for me to be so stressed out and worried about graduating high school when there are so many other more important things for me to try to deal with. Second semester last year I switched to an online school called foothills but ended up not doing my work enough and got kicked out. In the fall I want to do a dual enrollment program where I can do some classes (drama and easy going ones) at the high school and do my academic classes online but my parents are worried the same thing will happen with that and I will end up being really behind. My mom wants me to start back at my regular high school in the fall but between the fake people who pretend to be my friend just because my brother died and the work load and general non-helpful environment, I feel like I’m suffocating there and I can’t bare to go back full time. I just want to know if anyone on here has any advice or any knowledge of other schooling options that could better accommodate people who have felt the loss of a sibling through suicide. Thanks in advance <3

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